Friday, August 2, 2019

So Long to The Cloud House! Hello to The Lightning Bug!

Yesterday we said goodbye to our beloved, beautiful home in the Green Mountains of Vermont (our living room and bedroom windows have uninterrupted, panoramic views of the lovely and majestic Mt. Abraham! This place is amazing!) and moved into our new-to-us pop up camper, affectionally named The Lightning Bug. Next we drove, just 30 minutes, to our boondocking campsite and home for the next 11 days. We have a few loose ends to tie up in Vermont before we take off to Rhode Island next week, not the least of which is how the heck to boondock* in a pop up camper with three kids, one in diapers, and one camping novice (that's me) and one out of practice wilderness expert (that's Travis and I use the word expert quite loosely) and a dog, in a pop up camper that we don't know how to use. But we are, perhaps to a fault, go with the flow types. So we are confident we'll figure it out or have a good laugh trying. Maybe both.

We are so excited to share our experience and adventures with you all if you choose to follow along. So far a lot of people have asked what the kids will do without school. We plan to unschool/world school. We have studied a lot about this method and feel confident that we learn with our children every single day. We'll keep you in the loop about it! We are choosing to boondock across the country (we have traveled across the country many times, once with two kids, so we know something about how it goes. We thought we'd add a camper for some convenience this time and to save some money, maybe).

Before we start we wanted to pay a little tribute to the home that we have in Vermont. We have lived here for the past five years and we love it. We often ask ourselves how we got so lucky to score this beautiful house! God knows we aren't wealthy!! Goodbye for now The Cloud House! We'll miss you!

Oh, lovely The Cloud House! We will miss you so...
We will miss your chickens (each one called Mildrith) and your cats (whom we forgot to photo)
And your floor to ceiling windows which may sometimes make a mother of toddlers cry ugly tears

And, mostly, your breath taking views, even on hazy and hot summer days.
But the open road is calling (as it has often done ((at least before parenthood)) and so we must say adieu....)
is hard
to come by!
*boondocking - camping without any amenities (no running water or electricity, except what you can store) and usually dispersed (away from other people) and on federal land (in the US).

If you have questions, we are happy to try to answer them!


  1. Love it! Can’t wait to follow along with you on your travels! Showing Ava all the pics she is totally invested!

  2. We love it!! The Wanderlings and Lightning Bug! I can see a book coming soon! How exciting and looking forward to reading and seeing pics of your adventures and everything else that comes along with achieving your family’s vision! We love you all and can’t wait to see you here in Hawaii!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the blog link! We look forward to following you on this big trip!
    ~ Wendy

  4. So exciting for you all and for us! We'll be rooting you on from LCS as you adventure forth. Send us many postcards, please!
    Beth Nelson
